Positive Emotions Positive Health
UC Berkeley researchers find that creativity and engaging in art may help to lower inflammation that leads to disease, including diabetes, heart attacks and cancer.
Alterations in Brain & Immune Function with Mindfulness
Mindfulness Meditation has demonstrable, positive effects on brain and immune functions.
Mindfulness Practice Increases Brain Gray Matter Density Holzel
Psychiatry research and neuroimaging: mindfulness practice leads to increased brain gray matter density.
Control Over Brain Activation and Pain
Patients can learn to successfully control regions of the brain through meditation and mindfulness, leading to positive impacts on pain and disease.
Closing in on Cancer
Stanford University article on the latest discovery toward a cure. January/February 2016
Latest Stats on Cancer Deaths
Research collected by the National Cancer Institute. No longer the second leading cause of death in 21 states - cancer is THE leading cause of death in nearly half of the United States.
Research: Walking and Creativity
A study conducted by Stanford University shows the positive effect that walking has on creativity and creative ideation.
Art, Healing and Public Health
This review explores the relationship between engagement with the creative arts and health outcomes.
Pilot Study: Chaplaincy Intervention and Cystic Fibrosis
Testing the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Chaplaincy Intervention to Improving Treatment Attitudes and Self-Efficacy of Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis: A Pilot Study
Creativity and Spirituality in Nursing
Creative modalities offer nurses a new perspective on how to care for patients. The link between creativity and healing is well documented. In response to this, many hospitals have instituted programs that include arts and creativity.