
Create to Heal: Cancer Wisdom

Create to Heal: Cancer Wisdom

This past Saturday October 10th, we joined each other in the ZOOM room for guided meditation and creative writing. One participant named Suzanne, took a creative writing prompt and wrote a magnificent piece called Becoming Me. The prompt was from my original Woman...

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Life has always been uncertain

Life has always been uncertain

TODAY I am suggesting to you that life is not always a race to the finish, it’s not necessarily about more possessions and accolades.  And, it is certainly not about certainty. There will always be murky waters to swim through and smoke filled rooms to navigate. It is...

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The word “survivor.”

The word “survivor.”

I wonder about the word "survivor." Some hospitals and practitioners love the word, others hate the word. Others don't really care ... I do care because there are some negative connotations to the word survivor—"one who lives through affliction" and "unfortunate...

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A Time for Reflection, A Time to be “Lost”

A Time for Reflection, A Time to be “Lost”

So, I find myself in an odd place—odd for me for I am almost always moving forward, creating and "doing." For most of my life, I have relied heavily on my sports and competitive tennis training to push through physical and psychological pain to "make it happen" on the...

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Good Words, Good Medicine

Good Words, Good Medicine

Good morning! I started my day with a lovely verse from the Bible: Proverbs 17:22. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." I am a highly spiritual person who delights in the power of words and beautiful phrases like this one...

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An Every Day Miracle

An Every Day Miracle

Many of us who have survived a life-threatening illness like cancer often delight in random encounters and the miraculous nature of life. This morning I walked my standard poodle pup Lewis to the dog park for our catch and release time. I throw, he catches, runs back...

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Misinformation about cancer care: rampant and growing

Misinformation about cancer care: rampant and growing

Almost 40% of the public appears to think that cancer can be cured without conventional, evidence-based treatments, according to American Society of Clinical Oncology. Those who follow through with this opinion have increased death rates and lower quality of life....

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The Words of a Leader

The Words of a Leader

I often wonder what it takes to be a great leader. So many books on leadership out there to read ... so many coaches to take coaching from. And the greatest lessons of learning for me come from those who face adversity with grace and knowing. An inner light shines...

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What is healing?

What is healing?

I recently spoke at the Celebration church here in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Topic: What is healing? Is it the absence of disease? It it getting the stitches out? OR is it Wolverine, the character from X Men who could heal himself and others energetically?  Everywhere I...

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