The Leader Within
“It takes great courage to be who you are; by being genuine and authentic,
you inspire others to be the best they can be.”
– Patricia Varga
In the 10-week 1:1 Leader Within coaching program, we explore what it means to be a transformational leader and explore the innate gifts and “power” you already have to succeed. Together we will discuss and share additional insights and the mindset required to be exceptional. Based on a thorough intake session with you, your program is tailored to your goals and dreams for an uncompromised life. Getting from point A to point B may seem complicated but the solutions can be simple, the path illuminated.
As a success and transformational leadership coach, I offer a safe space for you to express yourself, allowing for discovery of your innate gifts, talents and abilities. Self-knowledge and a values-based, creative approach to success and leadership are the foundation of our work together.
More than anything our time together is about taking responsibility for your talents and who you are through Jack Canfield’s Success Principles®, Barrett Values Tools, and RTT® tools of self-discovery. I will guide you each week as you go deeper into your inner wisdom, insights and the 10 principles of compassionate leadership.
Knowledge is learned, wisdom is remembered.
Compassion has become increasingly recognized as a foundational aspect of leadership; and, we all have deeply held values that contribute to the way we lead, follow and live our lives. The ability to express our values within ourselves at work, in our community, with our family and friends is the foundation for clarity and taking inspired action particularly during complex and chaotic times.
The Leader Within offers you an opportunity to explore values, examine beliefs and unleash creative potential. Clarity of values enables you to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and uncertainty and cultivate a shared vision of success. Your Emotional Intelligence gives you the ability to connect with others in a profound way and to understand what motivates their behavior and decision making.
Compassionate, Transformational Leaders lead from the heart. Their super powers include:


enlightened listening


10 weeks of transformational coaching includes:

Understanding the power of your mind
Through RTT® and other tools, we will explore the power of your mind, what it responds to and how you can release any limiting beliefs. These sessions set us up for defining your life purpose, goals and achievements and developing your vision for your future. We will get beyond the surface chatter to “what lies beneath” where change occurs.

Knowing who you are & Being Clear
Why you are here
You can’t change what you are not aware of. Through Barrett Values Leadership tools and assessments, plus the Success Principles®, we will dive deeper into your values and existing leadership skills. Your values inform your thoughts, words and actions. Your life’s purpose can be found in your values. Over the next several sessions, we will be building a solid base of self-awareness and knowledge, your springboard to success.

Taking 100% Responsibility for Your life
This is where we leave all blame and judgment behind. Through a variety of Success Principles® and Create to Heal® exercises, we will explore the power of choice … and how you can choose to react to situations and events differently, allowing for different outcomes. You decide what you want and use the power of visualization and affirmations to achieve your dreams and desires. Own your decisions. Own who you are, no apologies.

Success Habits: Unleash the power of Goal setting
Success is the product of daily habits. Tiny changes, remarkable results. Goals are good. They set direction and you need a good system and framework in place. Together we will discuss the habits of highly successful leaders, change habits that are holding you back and install ones that propel you forward. We will also concentrate on identity-based habits, which lead to you becoming the person and leader you want to be. Once the 10 weeks are completed, you will have a roadmap for your exemplary life.