Music and Medicine: Harnessing Discipline and Creativity
Article and references written by Lisa M. Wong, MD, published in the AMA Journal of Ethics. Music and healing have been inextricably linked throughout history.
Research: Depression in Resident Physicians
The Prevalence of Depression and Depressive Symptoms among Resident Physicians, JAMA December 8, 2015.
Study: Nature and Mortality
A study published in the journal <i>Environmental Health Perspectives</i> found that people who live in “greener” areas, with more vegetation around, have a lower risk of mortality. The health benefits are likely thanks to factors such as improved mental health, social engagement and physical activity that come with living near green spaces.
Study: Quality of Life & Chemotherapy
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of educational interventions on breast cancer patients during chemotherapy, with a secondary aim of focusing on describing symptoms in patients during chemotherapy and their effects on the quality of life of patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
Study: Compassion Competence in Nurses
The purpose of study was to identify the attributes of the concept of compassion competence for nurses. A hybrid model was used to develop the concept, which included fieldwork performed. The concept of compassion competence was found to possess 3 dimensions: (a) acquisition of a wealth of knowledge; (b) development of skills of emotional communication, sensitivity, insight, and self-regulation; and (c) development of attitudes of respect and empathy, and maintenance of occupational distance. Compassion competence could be useful for developing ways to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for nurses to provide compassionate care in various nursing practices.
Article: Presence – Spiritual Care in Nursing
This article argues that while not all nurses are comfortable with spiritual care, nurses may be comfortable with enacting presence. Presence, an encompassing element in spiritual care, might be a more accessible first step for nurses toward spiritual care. To further highlight this viewpoint, the nature, consequences, and cultivation of presence are also discussed.
Article: Self Compassion in Clinical Practice
This article by Germer and Neff outline the principles of compassionate care.
Presentation: Why Gratitude Matters
An article and study that outlines the benefits of gratitude and how to experience these benefits in our daily lives and in healthcare.
Process Study: Forgiveness, Stress, Health
Psychological stress is a well-known risk factor for poor health, and recent research has suggested that the emotion-focused coping process of forgiveness may help mitigate these effects. This Process Study examines the relationship between forgiveness, stress, mental and physical health over a 5 week period.
Presentation: Update on Opioid Crisis
The opioid epidemic has transformed the way physicians approach pain management and prescribe medicines to treat pain. While Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs, state and federal laws and physician education have made progress in combating this issue, there is still more that physicians can do to prevent harm. In this next phase of addressing opioids, physicians will need to work collaboratively with their colleagues and medical staffs to tackle opioid stewardship and understand the impact that their attitudes surrounding opioids have on the larger community. Dr. Chad Brummett shares his research findings.