Sharing is …

by | Jul 3, 2018 | Health

I often hear from patients and women in crisis that sharing what they’ve created is the best part of our Create to Heal class. Sharing and listening are both acts of compassion, and compassion is healing. Healing, on any level, begins with hope and one’s imagination.

Sharing is also inspiring! It takes the focus off of you, your pain, your challenges. Opening up, getting to the heart of what matters, touches people in a way that encourages them to communicate from the heart. Before you know it, patients are providing compassionate care for themselves and others … in class, we learn, we listen, we reflect back all that is good.

Dr. Wayne Dyer once said that “sharing is thinking of others before ourselves and offering the love we feel for all of life, first in our thoughts and then in our actions … and that’s how we make a connection to inspiration.”

What is sharing to you?