The Mindset of learning and …

The Mindset of learning and …

On Friday afternoon, at The Westridge School here in Pasadena, I listened to a guest lecturer, Dr. Carol Dweck, one of the premiere researchers in the field of motivation and learning.  Her years of study as a Psychology Professor at Stanford University, Columbia and...
What makes a great leader?

What makes a great leader?

When you think of leadership, what springs to mind? Do you think of a particular person whom you feel has emulated the qualities that you look for in a leader? Or do you consider some of the traits that great leaders are known for – people who inspire, those who...
Kol Isha

Kol Isha

Kol Isha is a Jewish term that comes from the Talmud meaning “the voice of women.”  Throughout Jewish history, women’s voices were seen as seductive and distracting to men and were therefore silenced. Kol Isha can also be a community of women who...
The Journey Within: Tackling Fear

The Journey Within: Tackling Fear

I taught a workshop yesterday, to a group of domestic violence survivors who meet once a month to share and heal their inner most fears through art and the creative expression.  Some of these women are newly free from their abuser, some have been long gone from the...
Great Leadership is an Art Form

Great Leadership is an Art Form

Much has been written about leadership: how to go from being a good leader to a great one, how to inspire and motivate and even improve the lives of people who work for you while keeping an eye on the bottom line and profits. Even the Dalai Lama has written a book The...