Primordial Sounds and Meditation

Primordial Sounds and Meditation

I recently attended a conference at The Chopra Center. While Deepak enlightened us about Super Genes and Healing Beyond Biology, others taught primordial sound meditation and the basics of Ayurvedic healing. Because I use meditation and guided imagery in my Create to...
Handel and Your Heart!

Handel and Your Heart!

As I welcomed patients into last night’s Create to Heal class, music was playing. “You are listening to one of the great oratorios,” I told them. “Handel’s Messiah.” “Whenever I am tired or overwhelmed, feeling off” I...
Conformity In your Own Form

Conformity In your Own Form

The younger the wiser? A 16-year old in my Create to Heal class picked a word for our first creative writing exercise of the morning: conformity. “Conformity is needed to be comfortable with yourself so you can connect the space between the person and people you...
Finding Peace

Finding Peace

I started Create to Heal many years ago working with domestic violence survivors and women in crisis, and now also work with cancer patients, their families and their healthcare teams. Essentially anyone touched by cancer. I find that the creative writing process and...
Art and Creativity is Good Medicine.

Art and Creativity is Good Medicine.

I am continually surprised and delighted by the articles and “press” on art and creativity and the positive influences on the healing process. Huffington Post’s Arts reporter Priscilla Frank recently wrote about her own experience with disease: her...
Healthcare’s Future and the ARTS!

Healthcare’s Future and the ARTS!

A fellow artist just called my attention to a website, Americans for the Arts, and an article on the future of healthcare … this essay entitled Arts, Health, & Wellness looks at changes in the American healthcare system and the role that the arts may play in...